Monday, April 27, 2009

"Black Barbie" Look

Hey, everyone!! I know it's been a while since I posted some new pics, but I'M BACK!! I've had a rough past few weeks with classes and finals and what-not, and I'm FINALLY done - until May!! But I'm glad to be back, and with a great new look! I love wearing purples and pinks together! I call this a "Black Barbie" look, but I think this look would look great on any skin tone. I hope you guys enjoy! The tutorial should be up on Youtube by tomorrow afternoon. Products listed below...


L'oreal cream shadow paint (commanding)

Mac Beige-ing shade stick

Mac Beautiful Iris e/s

Mac Shadowy Lady e/s

L'oreal HIP eyeshadow duo - Brazen (hot pink color)

Black liquid eyeliner

L'Oreal Deep Mocha e/s (brows)

L'oreal Double Extend beauty tubes mascara


Black Radiance Plum Sorbet Blush

L'Oreal True Match super blendable make-up

Mac Studio Fix powder


Wet N Wild - Crazy lip gloss

1 comment:

Chantelovesbeauty said...

That came out pretty